
We have a new location!11.4.2024

We have a new location!

You can now find the ESR at the youth office of the Auferstehungskirche in Neuss-Weckhoven

Introduction of our new salaried employee21.6.2023

Introduction of our new salaried employee

Charity Graf is our new employee!

Office clearance and new addresses14.11.2022

Office clearance and new addresses

Come by for our open day!

COOP - International Partner meeting in Octobre26.10.2022

COOP - International Partner meeting in Octobre

New acquaintances, old friends, great ideas for projects, fantastic atmosphere!



...looking back with pictures

A wonderful exchange13.3.2020

A wonderful exchange

Shorter than intended, but intense and heart-warming - from 06 - 08 March our Ukrainian-German exchange took place in Monschau

Weekend with the volunteers in Solingen1.7.2018

Weekend with the volunteers in Solingen

Get together of volunteers and consultants

ESR-Annual Event1.3.2018

ESR-Annual Event

Time for exchange, updates, reunions and a glimmer of nostalgia...

ESR is project partner with "more than ever"21.2.2018

ESR is project partner with "more than ever"

Consolidation of the cooperation between protestant, coptic, orthodox and muslim youth associations

We moved1.12.2017

We moved

We can be found from now on in Kartäusergasse 9-11, 50678 Cologne